Holy Crap, I have a blog!
The other day I was stalling. It was one of those moments when I had so much to do that I couldn't do anything. So I turned to my old companion-that great consumer of time- my computer. I made a great, eye-opening discovery. The world keeps on blogging.
It's completely arrogant to have ever thought otherwise,and my excuses for not attending to my own blog are not on par with giving birth to a child (congratulations Kara and Jeff!). But to be honest, the Board of Ordained Ministry, my professors, my congregation, and even my beautifully-bellied editor are more demanding than the blogworld. So I forgot about it for awhile, and I'm not ashamed. Thanks for being so understanding, I know you'll wait with unconditional love (unless blogger pulls the plug for inactivity)! Hope to see you soon.
It's completely arrogant to have ever thought otherwise,and my excuses for not attending to my own blog are not on par with giving birth to a child (congratulations Kara and Jeff!). But to be honest, the Board of Ordained Ministry, my professors, my congregation, and even my beautifully-bellied editor are more demanding than the blogworld. So I forgot about it for awhile, and I'm not ashamed. Thanks for being so understanding, I know you'll wait with unconditional love (unless blogger pulls the plug for inactivity)! Hope to see you soon.