life is good

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

blogs vs. podcasts

I've discovered myself devouring podcasts at an increasing rate lately. Ever since we started making our messages available on itunes, I've become hooked on listening to great pastors and preachers I admire. I usually listen while running. I usually only have time for a 30 minute run and that's close to the average length of a podcast sermon.

Here's what I'm enjoying these days, I'd love to know what other people are listening to.

*imago dei (Rick McKinley--of Blue Like Jazz fame)
*Church of the Resurrection (Adam Hamilton)
*Mars Hill (Rob Bell--also does Nooma Videos)
*Ginghamsburg (Michael Slaughter)
*Cartalk Call of the Week
*Whad'ya Know the News That Isn't
*Prarie Home Companion-News from Lake Wobegon
*Sonny Rollins Video Podcast
*Emergent Podcast
*Chapel Hill UMC