life is good

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Purity, Peacemaking, and Reconciliation

We returned from a great vacation to Maryland last week. Happy to report that our daughter handles 15 hour car rides with much patience (aided by Jenny's stellar parenting techniques).

Upon returning, I guess I expected that vacation "feel" to continue. It didn't. I felt a void of grace from most directions, and began to realize that I was having trouble with forgiveness. A timely sermon reminded me to reach out for a reliable friend, John Dub-yah. Paul Chilcote has written 52 great prayers that are born from some of Wesley's sermons.

"...You have called me to be a peacemaker. The desire to reconcile and to be reconciled is a primary characteristic of your true children.

While you call me to be pure, you also call me to do those things that make for peace. Create a new spirit within me that detests all strife and contentious debate, all useless discord and violence. May I rejoice in every opportunity to do good to others.

Lord, pacify my heart that my life might reflect your peace."

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Insight into the Blog Address

Honestly, I didn't know what I was doing when I set up this blog. Therefore the address is lacking in depth and pizazz. But if you're interested in the story behind the name, check out recent posts at The House Blog

Famous street scene reenactments staring Nosty Nostril are available via email.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

I love the church. I am never more excited than when I see God at work in the community of faith, pouring grace and providing glimpses of the Kingdom.

I'm not really good at taking quizes. I could carry on an inner-debate about one answer over another for hours. But I think the results of the following quiz are interesting.

Sacrament model


Mystical Communion Model


Herald Model


Servant Model


Institutional Model


What is your model of the church? [Dulles]
created with

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Hey! Get your kids in church!

No, I'm not trying out a new approach to evangelism (YELLING really hardly ever works!), but I have an even deeper sense of what it means to be the church today, and it's because someone decided to bring their two-year-old to church.

Young children are so often thought of as a distraction in worship--and I suppose they are, but distractions are not always bad. Last Sunday, I was inviting the congregation into silent prayer. I said, "Let's Pray". Our time of silent prayer was greeted by a wonderful rendition of "God our Father" with full echo and everything. You see, my lovely wife has begun to bring our two-year old daughter into worship. "God our Father" has become our mealtime prayer.

I know I'm an emotional daddy, but come on, how do you then lead a spoken prayer after such an act of worship? My heart is still bursting just thinking of it. I can't begin to comprehend how the heart of God receives such praise. Please, please if at all possible, bring your kids to worship!