life is good

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Serving Others/Serving Yourself

It was a seeking (not in the willow creek/saddleback sense) youth who provoked me enough to look into the writer/philosopher Ayn Rand. The minute I did I was hooked in the same way I can't stop listening to Michael Savage, et al. It's so disturbing that I can't look away--call it philosophical rubber-necking.
The quote above (posted on a website dedicated to her life's work)sums up the sentiment that I find alarming. How can a person be so self-involved that the needs of the world become offensive?

Sometimes such an extreme view opens us up for alarming introspection. Many within the Christian church find it difficult to explain the need to help others. "Because it's the right thing to do" doesn't cut it. It's almost as if we are afraid to allow our acts of compassion to become too closely associated with our Christian discipleship. It's a radical shift in thinking to say that my service to others is best when motivated solely by my participation in God's work through Jesus Christ.

The irony today is that our country (which is currently and unapologetically run on "Christian" values) has a new representative to the world in John Bolton. Bolton represents an ideology that says that we (US) always have the right-of-way. We will operate out of our self-interest. It is as if the needs of the world have become far too offensive to us. I'm praying for humility.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Grace at Blockbuster pt. 2

So, I really don't go to Blockbuster THAT often, but lately I've been mesmerized by their gracious presence in the community (see previous post). This weekend, I went to the video store for what may be the last time (We're going a different route with our movies these days), and it struck me--how I respond to the "no late fee" phenomenon really matters.

The Blockbuster guy (who seems a little fidgity these days--lack of job security?) said, "It's due...let's say...Sunday at noon." What I wanted to say in reply was, "I'll do my best." or "We'll see about that." because I know (and he knows that I know) that I could turn it in next wednesday and there's nothing he can do about it.

Then it struck me and here is the clearest picture of sin that I have... When grace is extended to you and you throw it back in the face of the one or the One who offers it--that's sin. Separation from God that is the result of an informed decision. I know that God desires to shower me with grace, but when my response is one that tests God, when I give a half-hearted "Yea, I'll do my best" in reply I am farther from God then I even know.

And thus my awful comparison between God and Blockbuster ends. Forgive late fees.

Thursday, July 07, 2005


I had a scary out-of-body experience when I tuned into NPR this morning. for just a moment, I identified with Toby Kieth--(that's painful to admit-I'm still thinking about deleting it...). I was mad. Not in the sense that I want to take a sharpie to the next bomb that drops from an American plane, but I'm mad because maybe at last the powerful G8 was going to discuss poverty, illness, and injustice. At last, poor nations in Africa were gong to be on the radar of the self-interested West.

Today's bombings cost at least 40 lives in London, and by extension, an untold number of lives around the world. I know the pastoral response is to proclaim how much more profound is the hope we have in Christ, but I'm mourning the loss of focus on people without voices.

I'm so excited by glimpses of God's Kingdom that I want it to take root everywhere and in everyway. Perhaps the G8 is not the place to put our hope. Hmmm, I'm going to church.

youth ministry takes its toll Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Humbled by Head Trauma

I recently returned with my church's youth mission team from Mountain Top. I went into the experience praying for patience, because the pre-trip planning for a first time church was a bit overwhelming at times. I probably went in with a less-than faithful attitude. But as I talked to the kids throughout the week, I could tell that they were in the middle of a life changing experience. I didn't realize how focused I had been on myself.

This revelation came full-circle when, while participating in typically stupid youth games, my big noggin ran full speed into the slightly smaller but equally as hard head of one of my youth. We were both laid out for a few counts. I had a huge knot on my head, but she ended up in the ER getting a CT scan. As I watched her speaking jibberish, fighting to get words out at all. I finally forgot about myself. Thank God! She's ok. We were both out rafting a couple of days later.